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Stand Tall Steve Bollar with IntegratED

Who Are We?

10-minute classroom openers certified speaking professional classroom management climate culture education consultant educational leadership educational leadership programs ideas ideas ideas keynote speaker motivational speaker professional development public speaking sel social emotional learning stand tall steve steve bollar within our ranks Sep 29, 2024

Who Are We?

In life, no good stories start with eating a salad.  Great success stories begin with a bold move, a moment of courage, a creative risk, or a leap of faith.  Many of you have tuned in and read the blogs for “Stand Tall Leadership Show” and now “The School Climate and Culture Show.” In this episode, we wanted to share a bit of how our journeys in educational speaking began.  Join us for a trip down memory lane and hear the origin stories of Steve Bollar and Meg Diede!

 Megan Diede


It all started in the teacher’s lounge and the track. While having lunch with my colleague, Kara, I asked her to start running with me.  While we jogged around the track, we discussed how to reach our students.  That’s the thing about great educators: we never stop learning or trying new ways to reach students.  During our afterschool runs, we chatted about new strategies, ideas, or implementations.  

Our new way of thinking worked.  Our students showed growth, and we integrated more content into our daily instruction. It was a win-win! I enrolled in a graduate program, and the innovation just kept flowing! My thesis project examined the deep connection between art and technology.  The growth didn’t stop there! I worked to create a standards-based science curriculum through The University of Wyoming. We collected all this data to prove the integration worked, not just anecdotal stories of fun projects at school.  Kara and I wanted to share our successes with other teachers at conferences, cohorts, and more! IntegratED was officially established in 2020.

IntegratED, LLC

At IntegratED, we are genuinely passionate about supporting teachers in integrating content. As a classroom teacher, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to balance time with the heavy hitters of English Language Arts and Math. Still, science, social studies, art, and technology are also integral parts of the learning process! Most importantly, we are on a mission to make professional development for teachers purposeful and valuable. 

 Our journey to share our transformational education services certainly had some bumps and potholes in the road. We started applying and submitting proposals to present at conferences. Many rejections occurred before we landed our first big speaking engagement, the Innovative Schools Summit in San Antonio.  Like any big “first,” Kara and I were PUMPED to see our colossal breakout room.  We may have only filled six seats, but deep in our hearts, we spoke as if 6,000 attendees were in the room, hoping someone would benefit from our message. In the end, we felt empowered to do even more. Our list of applications and proposals to present at conferences grew!

IntegratED was accepted to speak again at the Innovative Schools Summit, this time in Las Vegas! This conference was a pivotal moment for Kara and me. We watched in awe as Stand Tall Steve took the stage and spoke in a way we dreamed of. And just like many of you who sit through terrible professional development and awful speakers, we needed his help to learn how to share our message with other educators.  So, like any dynamic duo with grit, we waited at the end of the meet and greet line after his keynote to get our books signed and connect with Steve. I took it a step further and texted his cell to meet up.

Within Our Ranks

Steve’s program to teach and coach educators to become professional speakers within Our Ranks was life-changing. Not only did we learn how to craft our speeches, but also the business of professional speaking in K-12 education. After the cohort, our coaching continued through monthly meetings.  We finally had the support we needed to continue on our path in educational speaking.

What’s Next?

Kara and I are writing a book! We cannot wait to share our experiences and knowledge to continue to help and support teachers. We will stay in the classroom and speak as long as possible to do the work and connect with educators. I will also be in San Antonio for the next Within Our Ranks Retreat as a speaking coach for new cohort members. 

 Steve Bollar


My roles in school may have evolved from art teacher to various administrative positions may have changed, but one thing has been constant- my passion for improving schools for students and staff.  Changing schools for the better is the driving force for everything I do. 

One Conference that Changed it ALL

My life changed at the Josten’s Renaissance Conference in Minnesota 22 years ago. I attended the conference as a presenter with my “Ideas, Ideas, Ideas” session. The closing keynote speaker was Willie Jolley, a phenomenal speaker who does not have a background in educational speaking.  I listened to how he said a word and watched his every move. I was a preacher’s kid; the crowds did not scare me, and I was accustomed to speaking on the fly. As a fellow educator who has sat through mediocre speakers or ineffective professional development, my inner voice said, “I can DO that.”

With tenacity, I joined in line to meet Willie. I bought all the books, CDs, and cassette tapes and waited in anticipation of finding out how to become a speaker.  When my chance to meet Willie came, he could tell I was serious about becoming a speaker.  He told me that the National Speaker’s Association Conference and local chapters would teach me everything I needed to learn. Registration was full, but he offered to help me get in.  My wife and I talked it out, scraped the money together, and made it to the conference in Orlando, Florida, the following weekend. 

Stand Tall Steve

I squeezed into a coach airline seat, stayed in a dive hotel, drove a hooptie rental car, and my life changed. At the NSA Conference, I learned that public speaking is a profession. I met up with Willie and he introduced me to amazing people.  Stand Tall Steve was born! When I got home, I also joined my local chapter and got involved.  I attended meetings, read newsletters, scoured magazines for tips, found opportunities to speak, and practiced over and over. I started with a self-made website, awkward photos, and made all the wrong decisions. It grew slowly over time.

Becoming a Professional Speaker

Education speaking is a completely different beast than corporate speaking.  I needed to use my knowledge of how the education system works to fine-tune the process.  For years, I continued to work as an administrator and superintendent, while still speaking. I was a father of three, had a mortgage, two dogs, and ten fish with adult responsibilities!!! I knew in my heart I wanted to become a professional speaker. After a mutual breakup with my last position, I left the public and charter school systems and administrators behind.  

I took the leap and leaned in heavily to Stand Tall Steve. The first two years were tough, but I called every contact and applied to speak at every conference.  COVID didn’t hurt my business at all, in fact, it thrived! I was already using Zoom, so I pivoted to hosting webinars, virtual faculty meetings, and even online student assemblies!  Now I am speaking internationally, and I am proud to share that I am an NSA Certified Speaking Professional and Global Guru in Education.  

What’s Next?

On October 15, the second book in the 10-Minute Classroom Starter series launches,  Co-authored by Tina Dietrich, we are sharing ways to connect with your students and start with engagement at the secondary level.  Get your copies here!  I am currently writing The Educator’s Guide to Improving Climate and Culture, as my mission to improve education for staff and students prevails.  This workbook will outline how to improve the climate and culture in every classroom, building, or district. I am also researching international speaking opportunities.  Schools all over the world need help with climate and culture! 


Within Our Ranks

November 1-3, 2024

San Antonio, Texas

Only a few spots remain!

Gang, if you are interested in becoming an education speaker, you need to attend the next Within Our Ranks Retreat. It is important to attend the retreat to understand the speaking world and business for education K-12.  The three-day retreat is specifically designed to help you craft your speech, learn to negotiate, write contracts, and start consulting! I not only share my knowledge, but I help you avoid the mistakes I made.  If you have taken the time to listen to the podcasts or read this blog, you are already committed to improving education.  You can do this better than any presenter your school has hired. Invest in yourself to start your transformation to public speaking and provide quality professional development.  Visit and schedule a discovery call with Meg to discuss your future in educational speaking.

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