Stand Tall Statements

Purposeful Parenting 10-minute classroom openers certified speaking professional classroom management climate culture education consultant educational leadership educational leadership programs ideas ideas ideas keynote speaker leaders in education leadership styles in education motivational speaker professional development public speaking sel social emotional learning stand tall steve steve bollar within our ranks Sep 15, 2024

I am back from my Stand Tall Summer Tour, and boy are my arms tired! You know I can’t let a Dad joke pass me by.  Fresh off the last stop on the Stand Tall Summer Tour 2024 and eighteen speaking locations later, here I am.  My next stop in the fall is a self-care weekend in the...

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Valuing Value certified speaking professional classroom management climate culture education consultant educational leadership educational leadership programs goals keynote speaker leaders in education leadership coaching leadership for educational equity leadership styles in education motivational speaker professional development public speaking sel social emotional learning steve bollar values within our ranks Aug 13, 2024


Gang, I have exciting news to share! The National Speakers Association (NSA) designated me a Certified Speaking Professional at Influence 2024 in Denver, Colorado! I am honored to be among the top echelon of professional speakers who have earned this international designation, which only...

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