Stand Tall Statements

Bring on the Dad Jokes! The unfunnier, the better! classroom management education consultant educational leadership keynote speaker leadership coaching motivational speaker professional development public speaking stand tall humor stand tall jokes stand tall steve steve bollar May 31, 2023

What if I told you I had the secret to relieving stress, improving your immune system, relieving pain, and increasing student or staff engagement?  

There’s a reason why Ted Lasso is the #1 show right now!

If you haven’t seen Ted Lasso, it’s a must-watch! He’s...

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Why Hire a Keynote Speaker? education consultant educational leadership keynote speaker leadership coaching motivational speaker professional development public speaking stand tall steve steve bollar May 14, 2023

Let me guess.  Your last professional development or training session was a total bust.  You looked out in the crowd to see disengaged and glazed-over eyes or the tops of your employees’ heads because they were looking at their phones. 

What if your next professional...

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A Tale of Irony: Spring Classroom Management classroom management education consultant educational leadership keynote speaker leadership coaching motivational speaker professional development public speaking stand tall steve steve bollar Apr 29, 2023

Do you ask Alexa, “When is the next full moon?” more than once a week? Guess what? Spring fever has arrived! How can you make the days count instead of counting the days?

     As the school year winds down, it's more important than ever to maintain effective classroom...

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Welcome to Stand Tall Statements education consultant educational leadership keynote speaker leadership coaching motivational speaker professional development public speaking stand tall steve steve bollar Apr 29, 2023

      Hey, gang! Thanks for joining me on Stand Tall Statements, a blog dedicated to sharing the vision of Standing Tall. Perhaps our paths crossed at a conference since I travel the world sharing my passion for leadership, climate, and culture. You may be a fellow educator,...

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